Thursday, January 9, 2025

Start of the New Year

 So our kids and grandson visited us the first week of 2025. He attends a preschool and had a runny nose and a bit of a cough when he arrived. They all did, one of the features of such a facility is they don't miss out on any of the bugs going around. Didn't stop them from doing everything they wanted.

And I came down with it after they left, and still have it. Mild but annoying. One of the joys of being a grandparent. All the sharing.

It has been very cold around here too so haven't been out much.  Snoozing and noodling around with some music production & pondering comic ideas. Doing what the cat wants me to do. Trying to do something musically a little bit different, as I feel most of the recent stuff I have done is pretty much variations on the same piece of music.  

I am most likely to play something well if it isn't new, and keep falling back into doing the same things.  

I am not using standard song structures, and in fact try to do something completely original, or unexpected. Most pop songs are all the same construction, and not what I am after at all.    

Came up with a great idea for a SF story a week or so ago. Not sure I want to do it as a comic though. Done a few comics, such as these:

Maybe it should be more an illustrated short story. That seems to be a more efficient way of doing something, so that it doesn't take for ever to finish.

I haven't decided anything, and really just want to relax at the moment. I had decades of working thru holidays and don't need to do that any more. I will wait at least until my nose stops running.

We can be found at ArtAndTechnology

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