Sunday, June 15, 2014

Rough Starting Scribble to Final Rendered Illustrations Video

We have put up another 3 minute sketches to final video on YouTube.

The main purpose of these isn't so much to show "how to draw", but to show that the really, really rough starting sketch is a part of the design process, and not indicative of the final quality work.

They are rough because we cannot afford to spend a lot of time refining the initial starting concept, as it may not be the one used.  To put that another way, if the initial sketches were refined, the customer would have to pay for several finished illustrations, rather than the one they want.

The instrumental music in this is also unlike most of our stuff, in that it doesn't have any guitar in it. It is all Arturia Arp2600 VST and drums, all put together in Reaper using a Roland Midi Keyboard Controller.

We can be contacted at Art & Technology

Sunday, June 8, 2014

The Youtube Music Video Demos

We now have a few video at our Youtube channel.

They combine our original music with samples of our graphics, how they were made,  or a demo of some technical article from our main website, Art & Technology.

Currently the most played video shows initial rough sketches, a few progress steps and the final illustration for a series of our car caricatures.

But that changes. Not always the same.

I find it interesting that these get played far more than just the soundtracks on SoundCloud.  That is really because most of the video have an educational "how To" aspect to them, especially the ones that accompany the articles on the website.

Check them out!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

From the God Father of the Yahama DX-7....and other synthesisers

I have visited Stanford's Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics,  CCRMA, pronouced karma, and met John Chowning several times. During the Tokyo ICMC I was even a bit of a translator at a restaurant with him and a few other attendees.

He invented FM Synthesis, which Yamaha then went off to refine and eventually produce the Yahama DX-7. The biggest selling synthesiser until the Korg M1 hit.

John of course is a composer, and has been in the Academic Computer Music world for a long time, and the CD he gave me was of his works.....  this isn't pop music.....

I spent years in Music Technology R&D and attended the International Computer Music Conferences and AES trade shows, and a few others.....

You probably didn't notice me as I kept a very low profile. One of those that did know who I was was Dave Smith, of Sequential Circuits fame, even though he was at Korg R&D at that time.

This is a really interesting talk on Dave Smith's history and what he has been involved with.

I have some parallels with some of that in my own career..... details here

I can be contacted at Art & Technology