Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Just Thinking: The Pivot


Have tried a few different approaches to partial comic animation with music. This is another one.  


Been trying to combine Melodic Techno and Synths sounds with metal guitar. The guitar is an Ibanez 7 String in Drop D#, and this has much of the palm muted 2 note lower 2 string metal riffing in it. I use Boogex amp/cabinet VST with various cabinet impulses, and the ULTRA METAL pedal here.

It isn't quite the guitar tone I am after, and prefer the tone of my drop down tuned 6 string. The 7th string is just too low, and the lowest string a bit too "floppy".  The WAZA version of the METAL ZONE pedal is better suited to down tuned guitars, but don't have one to try. The Cabinet IR could be better, or use the 2 cabinet mixing options.

This is significant as became interested in an 8 string guitar, and that low tone riffing would be even worse. So should I PIVOT, and not bother with an 8, I wonder?

We can be found at ArtAndTechnology

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